so i finished reading the book i mentioned before, The Mayan Factor, by Jose Argüelles yesterday, and i have been thinking about it alot lately. for starters i have to say that as the author himself mentions in opening, this book requires a leap of faith, even if it is only during the reading of the book. so in the spirit of adventure and exploration i took that leap and i have tried to take everything i read as being true in order to extract as much as i could from it. allow me to sum up this book in a nutshell (not a substitute for reading it, or even close) to give you some context.
as many of us already know the ancient maya of the yucatan and northern central america were known for being extremely advanced in their astronomical readings and such. they had even predicted the eclipse in mexico city in 1986 and all of this with 'stone age' technology. despite all this we only consider the maya advanced in relation to their historical context, there is not consideration for the fact that they may have in fact known things that are quite alien to us today. in decifering the mayan sacred calender/harmonic module known as the tzolkin, arguelles claims to have unlocked the secrets of the ancient maya. the mayan calender, as is also widely known, measures a great cycle of 5125 years which began in 3113 bc, coincidentally roughly the exact time (oxymoron i know) that civilization began in ancient egypt. now the reason that the maya begin measuring there, and that civilization began at that time is because it is when the earth entered a beam of galactic syncronization. what this means is that the galaxy and the entire universe for that matter is actually a living, thinking organism of a magnitude, needless to say, far beyond our own. the center of this intelligence is the hunab ku, or the galactic core. in essence the galaxy is organized into smaller systems, like the solar system, that have not been created randomly, but actually quite intentionally, all of them opperating much like cells operate within our own bodies. all of them seemingly opperating independantly, but inexorably linked to the greater whole. now the universe has a natural tendency toward growth, a will to improve in other words, much like we feel. and in the way in which this happens is that more and more systems come into concious syncronization. so intelligence reached the point on earth that it was ready to begin is syncronization, near the begining of this age, the pyramids of egypt were created, exactly a mirror image of the orions belt anchoring the earth to this beam. all of this was brought to the earth by 'galactic travelers' if you will (i know what your thinking). basically these travelers are some sort of intelligence, not necessarily a physical being, that has already been synced up to the galactic resonance, so they can travel freely among the stars. anyway, the galactic syncronization beam is what has been responsible for the explosion of civilization during the last 500o years. it is as though we stopped evolving individually and began a evolution in civilization. apparantly their have been several messengers throughout the years that have carried us foward on the path toward syncronization: the buddha, christ, abraham, quetzalcoatl. and the pacal votan, the mayan 'king' whose tomb was discovered in palenque in 1952. the tomb remarkably similar to the tomb in the great pyramid, the only other one of its kind. pacal votan was also a galactic agent who was responsible for creating the mayan astronomical system that arguelles has decifered, the 'man' who brought us the key to understanding.
i just want to say that i really need people i know to read this book so that i can talk about it with them. badly
so essntially we are all sort of part of the larger plan that we have been serving unknowingly for millenia. we are now a whole planet united by telecomunications webs air travel. and so here we are, and the cycle ends in december of 2012. and it is supposed to be the begining of a new solar era where we reconnect with the galactic core through the solar mind and the planet mind. but here we are, still testing nuclear weapons, and still eating the earth alive. arguelles wrote the book in 87, nearly 20 years ago, i wonder what he thinks today.
to be quite honest, i know im crazy sort of, but this stuff makes alot of sense to me. first of all, there are alot more mathematics involved that i have omited, there seem to be more coincidences than i cant explain by any other 'rational means'. but really, is it so crazy to think that the planet has its own intelligence, i mean, what does a brain cell think? i doubt it has any grasp of the human mind, just like we dont think the planet lives because it doesnt speak english, but the planet functions as systematically as any living organism, with even more resilience and addaptive ability. from what i know of astronomy, stars are created by density waves which condense the intergalactic dust past a critical point, with no explenation of what those waves are, but couldnt they be a creative intelligent force that actually wants the stars to be created? wouldnt this be the god that we always talk about? it is directly responsible for our existence today, and so we are not the result of random variation. are we so stuck in our notion of rulers of the world, sole inhabitants of the universe, that we cannot concieve of intelligences in comparison to which we are an ameoba. how could it be that we are the pinnacle of creation if we have no concept of ourselves from outside of our egomaniacal brains. there have been select few in history, enlightened ones, who have been able to see past the illusion of grandeur, and we worship them, but why do we not emmulate them, try to see what they saw, act as they acted. think of what is available to us if we could reconnect with the planatary/solar/galactic mind, it is the trancendance of individual death, the greatest goal of most of humanity.
and so i cant help to look to 2012 in anticipation, and apprehention. i personally have become convinced that there is something to the Great Cycle taht ends in 2012, i dont know exactly what will happen or what to expect, but i know that something is going to happen. the maya beleived it was the end of time, and that is interpreted to mean the end of time as we create it, and a return to the timeless void, an end of materialism, of individuality, and a return to the days when it was mother earth and father sun, when we were staisfied with our roles of children.
there is so much more to say, but i dont even know where to go from here. ideally i would get some responses to this and start somesort of dialogue that will help me clarify my own thoughts and hopefully yours as well. that is what i like about the blog, that now, since i am far from the people that i have most of the 'deep' conversations with, i can have one with all of you at once, it serves as quite an outlet, but i would also like some input. so HOLLA BACK. peace
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
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Yes - good conversation. Check out the Gaia Hypothesis,
A friend of mine mentioned 2012 last night to me and it's the first I heard about it so I jumped on here out of curiosity. I think it's kind of sick and sounds like a bunch of skeptical jargon.
I choose to live every day like it is the last because let's be real, WHO THE HELL KNOWS what is going to happen or when it's your time to go on. The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift, thats why it's called the present. It's not healthy to sit around and trip out about when you will die. Stop wasting your time you have now.
]planet nibiru 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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