Thursday, October 26, 2006

Why Meditate?

lately i have been doing alot of thinking about meditation. this has arisen for a number of reasons i suppose. i started meditating after reading The Mayan Factor with the thought that i should do something to prepare my mind for any coming transformations. the more i explore and think about the realms of our existence outside of the political world we live in, the more i see meditation as an access key to higher dimensions. as we all know, the power of the mind is quite remarkable. i personally have become more concerned with whats possible, than whats actual, which leads me to broaden my scope of poissibilities through meditation. through meditation i see so many things that open up. the possibility for peace and quiet within our own skulls is something that we have become so far removed from that we dont even know that it is accessible to us. by training and molding our mind we expand our reasoning capabilities as well as all the other things that we use brain for. when we free ourselves of the clutter and discoursive thinking (essentially talking to yourself) that we spend most of our time and energy doing we have so much more of our mental faculty to dedicate to the problems we actually with to solve. more often than not our mind goes where its going we we just go along for the ride, with varying degrees of complacency in the matter. but we never really try to excell, to push our big ol brains to what theyre really capable of. which brings me back to meditation, it is the only way to begin to train and tame our mind. i should note that since i started meditating i read this book about meditiation, Turning the Mind Into an Ally. this book serves as an excellent instruction for meditation geared towards americans/westerners who have grown up quite removed from traditional buddhist teachings. this book has led me to beleive that there are many things i want in my life that i can achieve through a consistent meditation practice. i think that the path of meditation, as it leads directly into our own beings, is the way to lead a truly good and virtuous life. virtue produces more virtue. i deeply feel this to be true. how long can i ignore it. it is the only route to happiness. every day i feel as though my mind has more and more power that i have chosen to ignore. it seems the most direct route to true happiness is through the middle of our own unhappiness, caused by our wiley mind. this is one thing of which i am positive, namely that the source of unhappiness is the emotions and reactions created within our own mind to the circumstances that continue to change and cycle within our limited perception.
it seems that one of the most generous and good things that i can do is to take time out of my day to just quiet my mind, with the hope that i will be able to sharpen my mind to the point that i can focus it on generating positive energy for the happiness of other people and mankind in general. essentially transforming the structure of the universe, by creating waves that uproot the cycle of endless suffering (samsara) and generate positive energy fields throughout the earth. the more people that sit down on a daily basis and attempt to do this good deed will braoden the scope and impact of it. throughout the world, how many people are taking their time to generate positive thoughts. all i see around me is people wollowing in the negativity that surrounds us, rather than taking the time to create a new possibility.
more and more i feel the urge to just go out and be by myself. i feel like it is difficult to start something new and just be with yourself when the outside influences that shape you are still there.

in closing i just want to leave you a few quotes from the book i just read by Sakyong Mipham:
Our own mind is our worst enemy. We try to focus and our mind wanders off. We try to keep stress at bay, but anxiety keeps us awake at night... We can create an alliace thtat allows us to actually use our mind, rather that be used by it. This is a practice anyone can do.

If you want to be miserable, think of yourself. If you want to be happy, think of others.

i highly recommend this book for anyone who has some interest in meditation but wants to know more about the why and how. peace fam.


Anonymous said...

interstig that a young person would be seeking truth over fitting in; that tells a story. about your mind and the extra noise in your head that meditation reduces: do you think you have control over this process or that this incredible search for truth chooses you as a pawn to express itself through you so that other's may here it? like a leave falling in the wind its movement and rattling noidy movements make the play between wind and gravity visible for us appreciate.

medition is like a ray of sunshine it either reaches you or is block by something. somehow do to the people around you you have been expose to the search for truth. most kids are block from that kind of exposure. either negative or positive experiences have brought you to this abbys between reality and what may seem real.

perception is the biggest asset for coping with the infinite and paradoxal nature of the universe. the universe is always sending you an array of messages. perception is your deciphering pad to translates the infinite into the finite. your ability to write is a gift. do not take that for granted. like a good athlete alot of it is intuitive. facing failure and defeat cannot be thought. kicking a ball properly is an illsuion. there is no such thing as practice. the time is now and rising to the occasion at each moment is an inherret gift we all posses you either acknowledge it or not.

the noise is tremendous but is not going away and forever evaisive.

Anonymous said...


What a contrast, in my opinion, to your previous post. You and I do something similar (besides meditate) we talk of these personal intimate experiences and slip out of first person... interesting huh? I figure it just takes time to assimilate it all in our being.

My friend Kelvyn is here from Miami, and is amazed at your writing. Truly I agree, you have found a medium that you are quite gifted at. I hope you keep writing.

A shout out to all the "nieces" and "nephews" from Nyack High School


Uncle Juanie

Anonymous said...

one of my yoga teachers' famous saying goes, "PRACTICE AND ALL IS COMING"... so simple, so right on. we get better at whatever we dedicate our time and energy to and whatever we focus on, that increases.
em, your little essey on meditation is inspiring! would you object if i put it into my november yoga e-newsletter?
with all my encouragement to your new interests,

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you are on this path to being a friend to yourself and to your own mind. It is my belief that your ability to develop this practice is the foundation for a good life. I am thankful and inspired.

I love you