Tuesday, February 20, 2007


so this weekend was the carnaval in cadiz. cadiz is the only city in continental spain that has a carnaval (the other being tenerife in the canary islands which is supposed to be second only to rios) so everyone from all over the country makes their way there every year. i know for a fact that there were over 40 buses from malaga so i can only imagine how many people came total. the cadiz carnaval is famous for its comic chirigotas (groups of men that tell a story in song, usually a funny one), so every year there is a contest that lasts for a month to select the best ones, and the friday before carnaval the winners are chosen. we arrived on friday around sunset and we had some dinner and went out about the city. we walked around a few times saw the hoards of people starting the party a night early. at around 2 we made our way home (home being the car) and tried to make ourselves confortable, no easy task, but we managed a few hours with the help of a couple shots of rum and a duby snack. the next day, saturday was the motherload, the legendary carnaval. from the moment i awoke i saw people pass by the 'house' in full costume aparel. we spent the day laying around in the lovely sun resting up for what was sure to be a long night. after eating a few delicious sandwiches for dinner we went to start to get ready for a memorable evening. i was dressed up as two things. on my body i was wearing all black and my black cloak over it, and on my head i had my hair in the pigtails. when you put the two together you have my costume. thats right you guessed it, a gay vampire. so we went into the city and in a nutshell it was fucking insane. i would have taken some pictures but i didnt thiink i would be in any state to be responsible for myself, let alone an expensive camera. i was right. it seemed like the motto of the multitude was lets see how much alcohol we can pound in one night. and i combined that to my personal motto: when in rome. so a+b= me drinking alot. i did not however make an ass of myself which i am proud to say. after starting the party between 9-10 at about 4 or 5 in the morning i was starting to be in bad shape. i decided to make for the crib and i got half way there before i decided that i could no longer walk strait and that i had to sit down. i promptly sat my ass down and called in reinforcements. my friend betsy was kind enough to come fetch me and lead me off the the car where i passed out before hitting the bottom of the trunk. i woke up the next morning with proverbial ax in the back of my head. i had a wicked hangover that thankfully for me and all the people i was suppsed to drive home wore off after a hardy breakfast, several liters of water, and a duby snack. we sat in the sun a few hours charging up tha bateries and then we undertook the 3.5 hour drive home. a productive weekend in general.

1 comment:

Joey Bahamas said...

Sounds like my weekends...when are you going back to Ithaca sir???