Monday, September 18, 2006

Week Two

Hello everybody. here i am again, safe and sound, finally starting to get my bearings in granda. ive been here for like 5 days since the beach and i have fully recovered from the jetlag, nights out, days at the beach, etc. i am now at the point where i am getting my shit together for the year. i have started looking into my arabic classes. there is one about a block from my house, at the center for islamic studies that starts in october, which is quite conveniant, although its only 4 hours a week, and i was hoping to find something perhaps a little more intensive. but we shall see, i may have to add the intensity on my own time, which i am also prepared to do. the good news i suppose is that since the classes would only be either monday and wednesday or tuesday and thursday, i would always have four day weekends to embark on whatever adventures come my way. we´ll see how it turns out.
in order to fill the rest of my time i have several things planned. first of all im trying to find a team to play on, but i find that almost all the teams around here are profesional to some degree, which poses me some problems. to start with, they ahve all been in preseason for two months and the regular season started two weeks ago, so they are all in considerably better shape than im in, CONSIDERABLY. second of all, these teams (assuming i make the squad) would require me to sign a contract which is difficult because, A- im not and EU citizen, and B- i dotn know how much i want to commit to practicing or playing 6 days a week as well as all the sacrifices entailed in being a serious athlete (ie, alot less chilling time, and all that that entails). the truth of the matter is that i have just started really making friends and the past week has beel ALOT of fun. on the other hand, i love playing soccer, i think that im good enough to play on some of these teams, if i get in shape, and shit, being a professional soccer player isnt all that bad, at least i wont have to get a job. so since i have to choices if i dont try, im gonna tryout for some teams and take it from there. i might have to elaborate some of my credentials, chilling in ithaca for the last two years isnt the most compelling background for most soccer coaches. ill keep you posted.

well as far as filling my days go, i also plan on doing a substantial amount of reading on my own. i brought several books, and my dad is bringing more. ive also borrowed a few books already and tehres a library down the street. i love how everything is so close, especially now that i have gotten used to walking up and down the albaycin, and i think my legs have adjusted as well. in october all the universities start, and all other schools for that matter, so most of my friends will be thus occupied, granting me alot more free time in which to read. whatever
i also plan on getting a job of some sort. i have started to analyse my plans and my funds, with that mathimatical mind of mine, and im gonna need some suplemental income in order to ball out as i had planned. im not quite sure what im going to do, but im think that something having to do with speaking english would be my most advantageus opportunity. like i said, we shall see.

i am pleased to inform you that i am getting used to the schedules around here and this weekend i went out past 3 am three out of four days, once till 7. now if that isnt an accomplishment i dont know what is. dont worry folks, i havnt been drinking much, or smoking at all, i find that those factors are what keep me from staying up late, they dont call me the incredible napman for nothing.
well finally in closing i want to recount the akward moment that i experienced last night, and i will to my best to convey the nuance i the situation. so i met up with some friends around 8 in order to watch the sunset, after which we got a call from some dutch girls we jsut met to have a drink down town. so down we went, only to find that they were going home early because tehy had school in the morning. so there were 4 of us guys left with not a drop of estrogen amongst us. since it was only like 1115 and no one was too anxious to go home we got a litro and sat down in a plaza to bullshit for a while. after finishing the beer we decided to go and check out some bars, but since we were all pretty broke we were canniving up ways to get free beers. anything from robbing a drunk guy who was talking to himself, which we decied against since he was probably broke too; to selling ourselves out to fat girls for prostitution (not my idea, i swear, and i think they were joking) being 4 guys we (and i use we very loosly, i didnt do very much) started talking to the next fat girl that came by (we of course said nothing of our plan, being the pussies that we are), who told us that they wer giving out discounted drink tickets down the block, for the hip hop bar. i, missing my usual dossage of hip hop thought this was a good idea, especially since it was the most populated bar on a sunday night, probably due to the free drink tickets, because the music sucked ass, lots of 50 cent and reggeton. so we were in the bar, 4 guys jsut dancing around amongst ourselves partly in shyness, but mostly, at least in my own case, because i was scared of venturing out onto the dance floot because of this blond behemouth that was preying on any guy that came within a few feet of her. i was desperately trying to sort of go out and dance (dancing with 3 other guys in a circle jsut doesnt do it for me anymore), but at the same time avoid making eye contact with her which would surely result in agony. there were multiple ocasions werhe i made passing eye contact so i had to casually stroll out of the bar in order to avoid confrontation. i dont know why i was so opposed to dancing with her probably because i saw that she kept coming back again and again to the two moorish guys that did dance with her. this was not the akward moment i am trying to convey mind you. so finally, we ran out of discounted drink tickets, despite the fact that the guy giving them out had been so generous, so we decided to leave. this is where it gets good. throughout the night we had noticed a group of three girls eyeing us from the other side of the bar, basically unreachable due to the predator filling the gully in between. but on our way out richard was like "bye" at which point he got corrageus and turned back and was like hey, you want to come with us to this other bar (seems a little sketchy, no?), at which point manito chimed in and started telling then this and that. but for some reason the minute manito started talking richards face went completely blank in a way that reminds me of the times i have gotten a drop and in blood sugar and lost my vision temporarily, he did not have such a compelling excuse. he had no explenation for why after initiating conversation he was giving a "it doesnt matter, do whatever you want." needless to say that despite the fact taht the girls practically picked us up they got so bugged out that they decided to stay after practically grabbing all their stuff to come with us. so we left the bar in disgust with richard and had quite a riot outside laughing about it, and what makes matters worse or better for my loyal readers is that in a matter of minutes they actually came out, and so instead of talking to them and patching things up, we start walking away, about 15 yards ahead of them, down the same road. in the process we ran into manitos ex grilfriend who was handing out free beer tickets for a bar nearby, so we decided to head over there. oddly enough, we arrive there only to find that they had been lured there by another employee of the bar also handing out free beers. still we ddint say anything and jsut started drinking our beers and dancing a little bit, by ourselves again, about 10 feet away from them. thankfully they finally left, although i still feel the tension to this day. but to be quite honest, it had to be one of the funniest things thats happened to be since ive been here.

well, until next time, adieu


Anonymous said...

my heart is singing right now q acabo de leer tu blog. no sabes the pure joy that i feel knowing that you and silvio are in granada. y mas aun me canta el corazon de saber q te llevas tan bien con el ricardo.... en poco tiempo (si no es q ya ha pasado) te enamoraras de el, no es dificil. and i don't necessarily mean inlove in the conventional way, pero el richard es encantador y de los mejores colegas. me encanta la idea de tu blog, although i must admit to much nostalgia as i sit here en la biblioteca de vassar y me pongo a leer de tus adventuras.
im so excited for you em!
bueno, de momento voy a comprar los boletos de avion para mi y silvio (para enero). te quiero muchisimo my big bro and fucking have a BLAST with those crazy granainos!

mandale saludos a todos de mi parte pleez.
your baby sis

Anonymous said...


Here's the thing I have noticed about getting your shit together... you end up with a big pile of it!
Mil gracias por el Blog!